Florida Lions Eye Bank cambió su nombre a Beauty of Sight el 1 de septiembre de 2023

Visite a nuestros socios, afiliados y colaboradores

Bascom Palmer Eye Institute

The nation's #1 eye hospital, and home of Florida Lions Eye Bank since 1962.

Donate Life Florida

Donate Life Florida: Florida residents can register to be an eye, tissue, and organ donor today!

Eye Bank Association of America

Eye Bank Association of America: The nationally recognized accrediting body for eye banks.

Lions Clubs International

Lions Clubs are major supporters of over 50 eye banks worldwide, including the Florida Lions Eye Bank.

Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency

Life Alliance Organ Recovery Agency: The organ procurement organization serving South Florida and the Bahamas, and a partner of the Florida Lions Eye Bank.

United Sight

United Sight: United Sight is a group of independent eye banks that promote the free exchange of ideas and information in an effort to reduce the global burden of blindness.

American Academy of Ophthalmology

The largest membership association of ophthalmologists in the United States.

Helen Keller International

A worldwide organization devoted to saving the sight and lives of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged.

Project Orbis

A global organization dedicated to the prevention and treatment of avoidable blindness, and operator of the Flying Eye Hospital, a fully equipped mobile teaching hospital and surgical facility.

The Pan American Association of Eye Banks

The Pan American Association of Eye Banks provides education, medical standards, training and certification and assistance with the establishment of eye banks throughout North, Central and South America and the Caribbean.

National Keratoconus Foundation (NKCF)

The National Keratoconus Foundation provides information, support and advocacy for patients with keratoconus, a thinning disorder of the cornea that causes visual distortion

Fuch's Dystrophy Home page

The Corneal Dystrophy Foundation exists to increase awareness of corneal dystrophy, a condition in which the cornea thickens and becomes cloudy and painful.

U.S. Government information on organ and tissue donation and transplantation

The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services provides extensive information about eye, organ, and tissue donation, as well as the benefits of donor designation.

United Network for Organ Sharing

A nonprofit scientific and educational organization that facilitates the organ-matching and placement process via a congressional-established network of medical professionals.

Macular Degeneration Partnership

An organization providing information, resources, and support to patients with macular degeneration, a progressive eye condition affecting 15 million Americans.

Glaucoma Research Foundation

An organization dedicated to improving the lives of glaucoma patients and funding innovative research to find a cure.