Florida Lions Eye Bank changed its name to Beauty of Sight on September 1, 2023
Beauty of Sight is grateful for your support in our mission of Creating a World Without Blindness. We welcome donations of any amount. Every dollar you donate directly to supports research devoted to curing and preventing visual impairment.
For those who want to be a lasting part of our mission, Beauty of Sight invites you to join the Legacy Society. This recognition program was created as a way for us to thank our major sponsors. Beauty of Sight will recognize your gift of $500 or more with a custom-designed pin and a plaque. In addition, a different pin is awarded to our supporters as they reach each level.
Levels of sponsorship are listed below. Gifts are cumulative, so sponsors can move from one level to the next by contributing the difference. For example, a Supporter can move to the Ambassador level by donating an additional $500 in any increment.

Legacy Society Levels

Supporter $500 - $999

Ambassador $1,000 - $4,999

Innovator $5,000 - $14,999

Visionary $15,000 - $24,999

Luminary $25,000